Friday, August 28, 2015

Golden Tomato Paste

I have a couple of golden tomato plants and I harvested a few pounds of tomatoes so I decided to make Golden Tomato Paste.  


Golden tomatoes
2 yellow bell peppers
2 garlic cloves. 
Olive oil 

Roughly chop every thing and put  in a bowl. Toss with olive oil, salt. 

Place in a stainless steel pot over medium heat.  Mash it a bit to bring out liquid.  

Stew for thirty minutes or so. 

Remove contents and push through a food mill or sive.   Throw out the skins and seeds. 

Return the mixture to the stainless steel pot, heat until reduced to a thick sauce.  

The final step is to spread the thickened mixture onto a non aluminum cookie sheet and place in a 200 degree oven. Bake for an hour or until the mixture thickens to a paste. 

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