Saturday, November 22, 2014

Crème Fraîche and Cultured Butter.

Crème Fraîche has so many uses.  It is so expensive, so making it at home makes a lot of sense.  You will also have a superior product!

This is any. Easy product to make!
Whipping Cream
Cider Vingar 
    For every cup of whipping stir in a Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. 
   Place on top of your stove overnight 
   Your mixture will have thickened and will taste like great sour cream. 

Cultured Butter 

Are you ready to try the best butter that you have ever tasted?  Here you go. 

Put your Crème Fraîche in a bowl and use your mixr on slow
   Your bowl will be filled with whipping cream.
   Keep on mixing until you see the whey separate from the solids. 
  Keep going for a while. The liquid is butter milk. 
   Pour out the butter milk. 
   Now "Wash" the butter with ice water. While you mash the butter with a fork. 
   Pour the ice water out and repeat three times 

You now have Cultured Butter.

The photo below is David our butter maker. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fermented Peppers

I have never fermented whole peppers before.  I always make a Pâté or Sauce. 

These beautiful peppers are from Richmond's own Sunnyside Farm.  They retained their original color and texture. 

C'est si Bon! 

Sunday, November 9, 2014



A French onion tart.  

I made this for a guy at the mission who said he loved Anchovies. We where serving pizza for lunch so I took some of the dough.

Spread out the dough. Brush with anchovy paste.  Cover with thin onion slices.  Next  the anchovy. Then sliced olives. 

Bake and enjoy!