Saturday, July 18, 2015

Leather Knife Roll

I made this knife roll a couple of months ago.  I did not like the rolls on the market so I designed this one.   I used to make English Tack and historical reproductions, so I dusted off my tools and got to it.

I used a heavy English Leather and hand sewed everything.  No rivits or other short cuts.  

Let me know if you want one.  At $350 they are not cheap, but neither were your knives?

A Chinese Vegetable Knife

A Chinese Vegitable Knife.

Have you ever used one of these?  I borrowed a friends.  The blade is very thin and very sharp. I think I am going to pick one up.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fermentation Workshop

I am hosting a 4 week WorkShop on Fermentation and Pickling.  Last night we sampled various fermented vegetables and some delicious brined pickles.  We sampled a couple of the vinegars that I ferment.   The guys loved the Richmond Sauce!  This was a beautiful colored med hot sauce that was made from ingredients grown in Richmond. I made it a year ago in the BARM kitchen. 

We ended up preparing a batch of fermented  habanero, orange sweet pepper and onion sauce.   We then prepared a variety of green colored peppers for a brine/vinegar sauce.   We ended the night by making a 5 gal batch of sauerkraut. 

Fermentation Geeks!